Building Culturally Sensitive Practice for Social Work and Human Services Practitioners in Training
The Role of Transformative International Intercultural Learning
Transformative intercultural learning, Culturally sensitive practice, Human services and social work, Students, NepalAbstract
This paper presents the findings of an investigation exploring transformative intercultural learning with a focus on the development of culturally sensitive practice for a cohort of 20 Australian human services and social work students. The research was facilitated over a three- week period and was embedded within a field trip to the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The field trip centred more broadly upon student exploration of international human services and social work within a developing country through an immersive, hands-on approach. The findings of the study provide an evidence base highlighting the utility of global mobility programs in promoting transformative intercultural learning, including the development of culturally sensitive practice for social work and human services students.
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