Field Education for International Students in Australia: Preparing students and the sector


  • Sophie Diamandi University of South Australia
  • Cate Hudson University of South Australia
  • Ines Zuchowski James Cook University


Field education, Social work, Innovation, Rural, School wellbeing


This article presents a case study which explored strategies utilised by staff of the Masters of Social Work program at the University of South Australia to support some international students in meeting the requirements of their first field education placement. Strategies included curriculum redesign, the introduction of a hurdle requirement, student integration seminars, field educator training and the establishment of a campus-based community centre. The multipronged approach aimed to improve students’ spoken and written English language skills, introduce them to social work practice in the Australian context, develop their confidence and increase the number of students accepted into placements at their first interview. The lessons learned and feedback received from students, field teachers and academic staff involved are presented with recommendations for future developments.

Author Biographies

Sophie Diamandi, University of South Australia

Student Wellbeing and Community Engagement, School of Psychology, Social Work & Social Policy

Cate Hudson, University of South Australia

Social Work Rural Practice Unit, School of Psychology, Social Work & Social Policy

Ines Zuchowski, James Cook University

Social Work and Human Services, College of Arts, Society and Education


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