A Reflection on a Teaching Activity with a Focus on Emotions Conducted with First- year Social Work Students


  • Kirsty Oehlers Curtin University
  • Robin Shortland-Jones Curtin University


Reflective practice, Emotional learning, Professional identity, Social work education, Creative teaching methods, Duty of care issues in teaching


This article will argue that emotional learning leads to a deepening of the reflective process which contributes to the development of emotionally literate social work practitioners. We explain the psychological and theoretical framing for a teaching activity conducted in a first- year social work class; give examples of the texts produced; reflect upon our experiences as teachers conducting this activity; and discuss the implications for teaching when teachers become aware of students facing significant emotional challenges.

Author Biographies

Kirsty Oehlers, Curtin University

School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work

Robin Shortland-Jones, Curtin University

School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work


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