Child sexual exploitation – Changing the narrative: A critical review of practice in Aotearoa New Zealand


  • Sarah Elliott Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui
  • Charlotte Chisnell Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui


child sexual exploitation, vulnerability, victims and needs


Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a hidden form of abuse, which is often misunderstood by professionals and responses often fail to protect children and young people. The authors will argue that practice and policy guidelines in Aotearoa need to recognise and protect children and young people who are victims of CSE and acknowledge that CSE is a specific form of child abuse. We recommend that clear, multi-agency protocols are developed: to recognise and respond to CSE; to provide education to raise awareness of the issue; to change the narrative and move away from assigning blame to victims; and to acknowledge that CSE is a form of child sexual abuse (CSA).


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