Teaching Social Work in Healthcare: A Covid-19 Simulation Guide



Simulation, healthcare, education, practice skills, Covid-19


Simulation as a pedagogy for social work education has slowly become more popular in Australia, with a strong justification for its adoption in social work education. While several other healthcare and allied health disciplines have embraced simulation as a core feature of their qualifying degrees, social work has been resistant. Technology is often associated with simulation; however, more important than technology is the development of a simulation guide that is responsive to the current practice context, the academic implementation of the simulation, and the debriefing and feedback loop that follows. Social work educators who are seeking examples of simulation guides find that they are not readily available in the literature. A Covid-19 simulation guide that was developed for a Masters of Social Work (Qualifying) program is presented here in its entirety to provide a teaching resource to those educators embracing simulation in their social work curriculum.

Author Biography

Mim Fox, School of Health & Society, Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Wollongong

Dr Mim Fox is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the School of Health & Society, Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 




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