Social Work Students During COVID-19

How a Reflective Communication Subject Fostered Wellbeing and Mental Health


  • Rachael Sanders La Trobe University
  • Catherine Brasier La Trobe University
  • Fiona Gardner La Trobe University
  • Megan Jacques
  • Nina Whittles
  • Lisa Brophy
  • Mary Whiteside La Trobe University


social work education, wellbeing, COVID-19, family wellbeing program


Student wellbeing and mental health is recognised as a significant issue, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Caring for your own wellbeing is key to effective social work practice and is the focus of Reflective Communication, a La Trobe University Social Work undergraduate subject based on a First Nations Family Wellbeing Program. This study explored the impact of this subject on student wellbeing during the pandemic. This mixed-methods study utilised an online questionnaire that measured students’ experiences of wellbeing before and after participation in the subject. Forty-three students completed online questionnaires, with 13 completing at both pre- and post-participation in the subject. Five focus groups comprising 14 students were conducted, as well as interviews with three subject tutors. Survey results indicated a stable and moderate level of mental distress amongst students, but a small sample size prevents conclusions from being drawn. The qualitative analysis indicated that students valued the subject for its promotion of social connection during the pandemic, but did find online classes challenging, with staff and students preferring in-person learning. Results support the subject’s value, and by implication, the relationally based Family Wellbeing Program, in enabling students to develop and/or maintain wellbeing during a challenging and unpredictable time.


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