Professional Identity Development in Field Placement Learning: Simulation and Student-Led Conferencing


  • Mark Lynch Griffith University
  • Mary-Anne
  • Surbhi Rawat Griffith University


Simulation, Interdisciplinary practice, student led


Simulation-based learning is widely recognised as an effective tool for the development of core professional practice skills (Kourgiantakis, et al., 2019; Kourginatakis, et al., 2020). The interprofessional practice context is a key area for social work students to build their competence in practice and to develop their sense of professional identity. This teaching note will describe the development of a field placement student-led multi disciplinary team case conference model supported by simulated learning. Reflections on the delivery of the case conference learning processes will be provided by the clinical lead, simulation practice advisor and student. Students in the driving seat and the utilisation of simulation to facilitate learning will be considered.


