Shifting the focus from expert-centred to student-centred learning resources: Creating student-centred learning resources for direct practice
Direct practice, teaching, student-generated content, audio-visual resourcesAbstract
There is a lack of suitable multimedia resources for student learning in the three core methods of social work and human services practice: case work, group work, and comm unity practice. In particular, there are very few audiovisual resources on direct practice that do justice to the particular contexts and complexities of social work practice. Existing audiovisual resources tend to focus on generic communication skills, or alternatively assume contexts such as clinical counselling that are not directly applicable to social work or the human services. In this article we provide an overview of a project that aimed to produce peer-based audiovisual learning materials for students in direct practice courses in social work and human services programs. In addition to describing this project, we consider the significance and benefits of involving students rather than 'experts' in developing these teaching and learning resources in terms of expanding traditional understandings of student-centred instruction.
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