Vol. 13 No. 1 (2011): Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education

					View Vol. 13 No. 1 (2011): Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education

The Advances in Social Work & Welfare Education journal aims to showcase material which is of relevance to social work, welfare and community development educators in trans-Tasman and international contexts and, where applicable, to link this with international social work concerns. The journal is committed to a decolonised scholarly space where both the articles published, and the processes of the Advances Editorial Board and Peer Reviewers, actively work towards a collegial atmosphere in the pursuit of high quality social work and welfare scholarship. Articles that present innovative or challenging approaches to current educational philosophy and research methodology are particularly encouraged. The material should be original and professionally presented. However, a diversity of writing styles, voices and methodologies is welcome including, but not limited to, first person and a yarning space. Submissions from students and field educators are particularly encouraged, as are research or discussion articles that focus on field education and practice teaching.

Published: 2011-05-01